Not much in life is free. There are often strings attached. Not with Luthernet's FREE website assessments. We look at websites the same way we build them, and we assess based on what can be done to improve the website without huge costs to the owners. We don't even recommend ourselves as the best solution, since bad websites are often the result of simple neglect.
Here's a link to some of our assessments. We will continue to update the list as we go through more Lutheran websites, but you can contact us with your website for an assessment at any time. It's free and useful, and it's done by someone who is not associated with your church or organization, so there's no politics involved.
You might think of this as a website evaluation or website opinion. Maybe a website critique. Or even a website review. Perhaps you want to go to the board or the pastor and tell them why the website needs work, but you're not quite sure why you know it, or you think other members will just accuse you of being negative. Have me do the website appraisal and just send it to them.
If you are not a Lutheran church or organization, that's not a problem. We'll review anyone's website for free.
Here's a partial list of the Lutheran websites we've appraised: